Friday, September 17, 2010

Constitution Day

Until I installed the Lightning calendar extension in Mozilla Thunderbird (the lack of such was always Thunderbird's major shortcoming compared to Outlook), I didn't even know there was such thing as Constitution Day. And when I first saw the term, I mistook it for Constipation Day, a day for congressional Republicans who can't ever pass anything.

Exactly one month is a long time for me to be away from the blog, but I haven't seen much in that month to encourage me about the state of our nation and the propensity of our elected officials to engage in righteous behavior rather than simply paying back their sponsors... never ordinary citizens... with legislation made-to-order for the wealthy and the powerful. We're still on the highway to hell.

As for the Constitution, whose day is today, I understand most universities will soon be teaching it in an Ancient History course...

Civil liberties appear to be ancient history in the Obama administration as surely as they were under the rule of Bush. In case you missed anything, here is a summary of Executive branch illegal detentions in the war on Terra, and here is a search form of votes by Congress on major civil liberties, civil rights and human rights bills. It doesn't look good.

You'd think I'd resume blogging on a Friday with a picture of a cat. Well, maybe I will later this evening, or maybe not. Suffice it to say that Lily is now almost as big as Esther, and is not one smidgen less aggressive as a tween than she was as a little kitten. Wear gloves if you plan to handle her!

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