Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Relativity, Uh, Relativism, Uh, Whatever


Ignorance is ugly. Perhaps you thought you had seen all the ignorance the Schlafly family had to offer in the past decade. If so, you neglected to consider that Phyllis has a son, Andy, who competes on par with her in the ignorance department. Megan Carpenter of TPM (who cannot spell "theorem" and apparently doesn't distinguish "theorem" from "theory"):

Conservapedia: E=mc2 Is A Liberal Conspiracy

Megan Carpentier | August 9, 2010, 5:01PM

To many conservatives, almost everything is a secret liberal plot: from fluoride in the water to medicare reimbursements for end-of-life planning with your doctor to efforts to teach evolution in schools. But Conservapedia founder and Eagle Forum University instructor Andy Schlafly -- Phyllis Schlafly's son -- has found one more liberal plot: the theory of relativity.

If you're behind on your physics, the Theory of Relativity was Albert Einstein's formulation in the early 20th century that gave rise to the famous theorum that E=mc2, otherwise stated as energy is equal to mass times the square of the speed of light. Why does Andy Schlafly hate the theory of relativity? We're pretty sure it's because he's decided it doesn't square with the Bible.

In the entry, "Counterexamples to Relativity," the authors (including Schlafly) write:

The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world.[1]
To what does that reference lead? Why, a note by Schlafly:

With some Amazon gift certificates I received for my birthday, I just purchased Steven Weinberg's Cosmology, a comprehensive text on the subject, containing no illustrations and few diagrams, but bristling with partial differential equations. Is Schlafly saying I wasted my money? Maybe so... maybe all I really needed was a copy of his family Bible, annotated by his own self. What a concept! How does the saying go... beware the (wo)man who has read only one book.

1 comment:

  1. Ms Carpenter is behind in her physics, as the formula is merely and extension of the work done by Newton and Leibnitz in the 17th century and is a statement of the law of the conservation of energy.

    The Theory of Relativity is in fact all about exceptions, exceptions to Newton's work under certain conditions.

    I'm going to snark on this over at my place.



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