Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Many Right-Wing Nut-Jobs Does It Take To Screw Up A Light Bulb?

I don't know the answer... but the nut-jobs are damned surely going to try:


A 2007 bill, passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George W. Bush, will make the familiar incandescent bulb subject to strict efficiency standards next year. 

The effect will be to make current 100-watt bulbs obsolete — and that has sent conservative lawmakers, libertarians, some environmental activists and owners of Easy-Bake Ovens into a frenzy of activity to get the law repealed or, at least, to stockpile the bulbs before they disappear from store shelves. 


These are people who see evil in having their children vaccinated, or prefer burning leaves and lawn trimmings in the city instead of disposing of them in an environmentally sound, legally prescribed manner. I am not utterly unsympathetic... all of us hold irrational beliefs, or engage in unsound activities without justification... but it is very much a government's prerogative to take proactive legal measures to prevent harm to the public it serves.

In the case of light bulbs, electric usage is a major contributor to global climate change, and saving electricity by a factor of 2 or 3 is well within the mandate to delay that climate change. The traditional incandescent bulb is not being made illegal for use, merely unavailable for purchase under most circumstances. I do hope the crazies enjoy their electric bills, and I especially hope they enjoy the climate they bring on when the waters begin to rise regularly around their homes.

In other words, if what they do puts them out of commission sooner, (ahem) more power to them.

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