Showing posts with label Fair and Balanced Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fair and Balanced Media. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

'Are Americans Any Better Off Today Than They Were Four Years Ago?'

Dean Baker tackles that inane question, which was recently asked by George Stephanopoulos (my spell checker complains about the Greek family name and suggests "postmenopausal") of David Plouffe:

... Suppose your house is on fire and the firefighters race to the scene. They set up their hoses and start spraying water on the blaze as quickly as possible. After the fire is put out, the courageous news reporter on the scene asks the chief firefighter, "is the house in better shape than when you got here?"

No doubt the same hypothetical reporter will seek out a family member whose house has been damaged and ask "How do you feel?" It is symptomatic of today's media that every line of questioning they pursue is either without substance or insulting both to the interviewee and the reader or viewer as well. I'll continue getting my news from the web, thank you.

As to the question, of course the real question is simpler: "Are Americans better off today than they would have been if John McCain had become president instead of Barack Obama?" Of course it is impossible, starting from such a counter-factual, to answer such a question definitively, but I'll make a best guess: Americans would only have been better off with McCain if you consider only people with incomes upward of, say, $500,000 a year. But such an answer contains no "gotcha," only a best estimate of the facts. So no reporter ever asks it.

Can we please, please have a better news media? or at least one not bought and paid for by the Party of the Wealthy?

ASIDE to younger readers: the graphic above depicts a "newspaper," a once-common news medium now quickly vanishing in today's electronic age. Newspapers had many advantages. You could spread them out on a table, or hold them in front of your face as you rode the bus to work (or as you sat in the bathroom), or, perhaps the best and most appropriate use of all, when you were done reading them, you could spread them in the bottom of a birdcage, where they would receive still more of the substance with which they were frequently already covered.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shhhh! Don't Tell The Public, But The Major Parties Are NOT Both Doing It!

Amazingly, it's right out there, in print, in a book by Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein, It's Even Worse Than It Looks, in which they document the ways in which the GOP, not the Democratic Party, is overwhelmingly to blame for the decaying relations that have rendered our government very nearly wholly dysfunctional.

As Greg Sargent tells us, these two authors are noted for their lack of partisan bias, and they appear to have done their homework for this potential blockbuster of an election-season book.

So... why have Mann and Ornstein not been able to arrange one single solitary appearance on any Sunday political talk show? Aren't the networks required by the terms of their licenses to be "fair and balanced"? What's that you say? I must have my head wedged WHERE to believe that?

MEANWHILE, John Boehner is setting up for another budget-related hostage-taking...

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