Showing posts with label Payroll Taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Payroll Taxes. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

I Am The American Economy's New Enemy

Krugman holds welfare queen
According to Paul Krugman, you can ask just about any right-wing nutjob these days: persons with disabilities are the new welfare queens. Never mind that, as Krugman and others readily demonstrate, it simply isn't true; it wasn't true of welfare recipients either.

Meanwhile, I await in vain a government check in my mail, and it just keeps not coming...

FTR, I will in fact apply for Social Security when I am eligible. I'm probably not eligible for Social Security Disability, but if it comes my way, I won't turn down what the radical right sees as undeserved charity, either, because during my working years, I worked my fucking ass off and paid payroll taxes and other taxes to support all of those programs. I don't deserve it? Fuck that shit!

But at this point I have accepted no government money just for still being alive (as the nutjobs see it). The wingnuts can just cross-thread themselves. I'm happy to help them if they're incompetent to do it alone.

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