Showing posts with label US House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US House. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver Becomes Speaker Of The House

Wide shoulders?
Nah... narrow mind.
That's right, Paul Ryan (R-WI) will wield the gavel that may (or may not) confer upon him an opportunity to starve an unlimited number of grannies. Or he may receive by turns the unbridled contempt of the paranoid wing and of the merely radical wing of his party, while he accomplishes even less as Speaker than John Boehner. These days, there are no moderates in the House GOP caucus. Ask the Z.E.G.S. in about six months, if he lasts that long.

I confess I detest the man and everything he stands for. He is arrogant, self-important and sententious in everything he says. He also lies egregiously and frequently in his public capacity. One could argue he is better off as Speaker than he would have been as veep, but frankly, Speaker is a more powerful office, in which he can do more damage. The importance of a strong Democratic showing in the 2016 House election, especially if Republicans take the presidency (and I choose the word "take" advisedly, after sElection 2000), cannot be overemphasized.

Dog help us all in the next term!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

US Constitution, Article II, Section 3

[Of the President:]
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; ...
Bolds mine. Reproduced here for the benefit of the GOPer ratfucking bastards in the House of Representatives, who are thinking of blocking the State of the Union.

Look, muthafuckas, it doesn't matter if you reject it. It doesn't even matter if the President reads it in front of you; Washington himself sent a written document. It doesn't matter if the issues it addresses are of no interest to you; it's the President's baby entirely. It doesn't even have to be annually delivered; that's just tradition. It is a constitutional duty of the President to provide you with "Information of the State of the Union". If s/he does that, in a manner of his/her choosing, the presidential duty has been fulfilled, and you have no legitimate complaint against the President.

If you 'fuckas would spend a tenth the time on constructive legislation in cooperation with the President that you spend soiling yourselves and your constituents with the crap you spew in symbolic gestures, the nation might survive another century. But I'm not holding my breath waiting for you to do that... only to avoid smelling your crap.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

House GOP Appoints Token Woman Committee Chair

There was a time, perhaps 60 or more years ago, at which the Democratic Party was the party of tokenism, mostly racial in nature. Now the GOP is that party, but it's more: it is also the party of gender tokenism. About a week after John Boehner announced the appointment of 19 white male congressmen to 19 House committee chair posts, pressure from Democrats and Republicans alike has finally resulted in an appointment of a woman... Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)... to chair the House administration committee, as TPM's Evan McMorris-Santoro tells us.

Rep Miller: how do your like your position as the GOP's token woman chairperson?

One thing a woman can be confident of in the GOP: she is secure in her role, and can depend on being reminded of her place if she should ever forget it. Certainty may not always be a good thing...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New House GOP Committee Chairs Are All...

... Yep. Right (far Right!) on the first try: they're all white and male. As I've said before, the GOP may be evil, but they're painfully predictable. At least now you know exactly what you're getting. Click through to Kos if you want (ugh) pictures. Those pics are so white you'd better wear snow goggles to view 'em.

I suppose there will always be enough white male GOPers elected to the House to chair all committees if the GOP is in the majority. It seems to me there's a straightforward solution to that...

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