Showing posts with label Intimidation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intimidation. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2014

GOPer Governors Just Can't Help Themselves

One would think Chris Christie's raw treatment of officials of communities that didn't support his run for governor would be burden enough for the GOP. But noooo... as Becky Bohrer at TPM/AP tells us,
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Gov. Sean Parnell said Friday that he wasn't threatening the Ketchikan Gateway Borough when he said its lawsuit against the state over school funding could "shade or color" reaction to the community's requests for state money to fund infrastructure projects.
Riiiight, no threat at all there; move along, folks...

It appears threatening tendencies are a character flaw that is damned nearly a requirement for leadership in the GOP. Why anyone would vote for people like this is a mystery to me.

(Maps not to relative scale.)

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