Sen. Lindsey Graham Pretend-Shoots Sen. Bernie Sanders with ShotgunOf course, from this point forward, I can't win: if I object to the deplorable "humor" of one US senator's false threat to "kill" another senator, I'll be damned as "having no sense of humor." If I don't say anything, then by default, I condone Graham's attempt at a quip... which I emphatically do not. I'm damned if I laugh, and I'm doubly damned if I don't laugh.
By EricLewis0 [at Kos]
A partial transcript of an MSNBC segment in which Sen. Lindsey Graham teaches Kasie Hunt how to skeet shoot:
GRAHAM: "I'm gonna get you motivated to want to kill the clay pigeon..."...
Photo: ericlewis0
GRAHAM: "Alright, do a Bernie Sanders."
GRAHAM: "Pull!"
GRAHAM: "Sorry about that, Bernie!"
But this is not funny: rather, it reveals a fundamental paradox which gun nuts allow themselves regarding their deadly toys. We should not tolerate the "I was only kidding" defense from them... ever. Real guns, loaded and ready to fire, are serious business and should always be taken seriously, under all circumstances. Period!