Showing posts with label Republicans Too Dumb for Words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans Too Dumb for Words. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Protester At Trump Event Kicked, Dragged From Room As Audience Chants ‘USA, USA, USA...’

Sara Jerde at TPM:

Crowd Chants 'USA' As Protestor Is Kicked, Dragged Out Of Trump Rally

A protestor attending a campaign event for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was dragged out of the event Friday and kicked by a man described by the Trump campaign as a rally attendee, reported an NBC affiliate.

The campaign rally, ... was interrupted by three groups who were "chanting pro-immigration messages," ...

The protestor, identified by the NBC affiliate as Ariel Rojas, can be seen in a video being dragged by a man who also kicks him while he's on the ground before police removed [him] from the room.

All the while, the crowd chants "USA."

There's a video with Jerde's article, linked above.

(Photo of immigrants protesting Trump,
credit: Business Insider.)
We have to assume the "USA" response is typical of Trump supporters because there were enough of them to get such a chant started in response to a legitimate if unpleasant exercise of First Amendment free speech. Police removing the protester from the event so it could continue was one thing; I can't blame them for that. But unidentified crowd members with no police authority literally kicking his butt and dragging him out rather than allowing the police to remove him was another altogether... and raucously asserting that doing so was a proper response in the USA was altogether outside the pale.

I trust Godwin's Law will not prevent me from observing that this behavior by Trump's supporters is painfully reminiscent of that of Hitler's supporters. Is Trump a Nazi? I seriously doubt it. But he is personally responsible for violent treatment of uninvited people voicing unpleasant speech at his campaign rallies, because he can exercise the weight of his personal influence with the crowd to stop the violence until the police arrive.

A couple hundred years ago, America's founders legalized and constitutionally protected vocal dissent... let's not tolerate its suppression at this late date.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Select Committee On Benghazi Hillary Clinton

Gawd-a'mighty, it feels good to take a piss... old men are not built to listen to three and a half hours of uninterrupted hostile Republican inquiry inquisition without a break.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (tell me, folks, do you know any real men named "Trey"? OK, do you know any non-Republicans named "Trey"?) rambled on in defense of his indefensible bullshit saying that this was no court case and hence no prosecution. He is right about that— but I have to say, there is a PERSECUTION of former Secretary Clinton.

Hostile GOPer asshole
Gowdy reminds me a great deal of Dan Burton a couple of decades ago. If you're too young to remember that bastard, consider yourself lucky.

Here's the link to the livestream on TPM. Don't drink too much coffee before the next session starts; you'll live to regret it. The coffee, I mean, though you'll probably regret watching the session as well.

I am now convinced... as I have been in the past... that notwithstanding Mrs. Clinton's political differences from me, if Bernie is not selected to be the Democratic presidential candidate, I can live with Mrs. Clinton as a bright, capable, sturdy and assertive substitute. More about that later.

Thu 10/22 4:05PM CT: the above-linked livestream is dead. The Committee took a break to go to congressional session for a floor vote; shortly after the break began, the committee livestream shut down. Maybe you can find it at the MSNBC site if they come back in time.

Kurt Eichenwald at Newsweek has the following observation (about midway through the linked article):
The historical significance of this moment can hardly be overstated, and it seems many Republicans, Democrats and members of the media don’t fully understand the magnitude of what is taking place. The awesome power of government—one that allows officials to pore through almost anything they demand and compel anyone to talk or suffer the shame of taking the Fifth Amendment—has been unleashed for purely political purposes. It is impossible to review what the Benghazi committee has done as anything other than taxpayer-funded political research of the opposing party’s leading candidate for president. Comparisons from America’s past are rare. Richard Nixon’s attempts to use the IRS to investigate his perceived enemies come to mind. So does Senator Joseph McCarthy’s red-baiting during the 1950s, with reckless accusations of treason leveled at members of the State Department, military generals and even the secretary of the Army. But the modern McCarthys of the Benghazi committee cannot perform this political theater on their own—they depend on reporters to aid in the attempts to use government for the purpose of destroying others with bogus “scoops” ladled out by members of Congress and their staffs. These journalists will almost certainly join the legions of shamed reporters of the McCarthy era as it becomes increasingly clear they are enablers of an obscene attempt to undermine the electoral process.  [Bolds mine. - SB]
Shame on you, Republicans! SHAME! If there is a Hell for people who commit despicable political acts, you are headed straight to it!

The GOP Key
AFTERTHOUGHT: Between the aperiodic events resembling today's Benghazi committee hearing, I forget, and find myself gasping in shock, at how deeply many Republicans truly HATE Hillary Clinton— HATE, HATE, HATE her! Often enough, I've seen that hatred manifested by otherwise ordinary Americans, e.g., coworkers; one guy I knew hated her so much that in any conversation in which her name came up, his eyes would get big and the veins near his temples would pulsate with the anger. I'm not exactly a calm fellow, but I don't think there's anyone out there whom I've not personally known but whom I've actively hated that much. I guess you have to be born with the capacity.

AFTERTHOUGHT: a question for the Republicans on that committee: Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to talk to people like that? If I'd turned loose on people I didn't like, the way those GOPers turned loose on Hillary today, my sainted mother would have (metaphorically) washed my mouth out with soap. Which brings up the question:
Q: When you wash a Republican's mouth out with soap, what kind should you use?
A: Lye soap, of course!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Benghazi... Benghazi... Benghazi...

For once, congressional Republicans seem to be using their metaphorical guns to shoot themselves in the metaphorical foot (House Majority Leader and [possibly former] Speaker-in-waiting Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA); Benghazi Select Committee chair Rep. Trey (!) Gowdy; etc.) and even conservative print and broadcast political commentators are starting to notice.

And for once, congressional Democrats are starting to feed this free grist to the political mill.

Is it just me, or does anyone else look at Trey Gowdy's actions as chair of the Select Committee and find her/himself reminded of former Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana) of the GROS Committee, um, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee? the same style of battering one or more Democrats (in Burton's case, hundreds) with a sledgehammer while refusing to call GOPers to answer equivalent questions? When I hear Republicans whiiiining they are victimized by partisanship perpetrated by Democrats, I can't help thinking of Burton and gritting out through clenched teeth, "you bastards had it coming" ... now I can think of Gowdy as well.

In any case, there's at least a possibility after McCarthy's Clinton-related gaffe and Gowdy's offensively partisan chairmanship that Democrats may see GOPers get their just deserts. (Not to be confused with Gov. Chris Christie, who clearly gets just his desserts...)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Possible Gov't Shutdown Attempt Over Defunding Planned Parenthood Has Political Implications For GOP — Who Knew? Apparently Not The GOP

Tierney Sneed at TPM, in an article well worth reading on its own merits, quotes Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn (R-TX) and the number 3 GOPer Senator John Thune (R-SD) on... what else... the politics of the matter:


"I think it's nearly unanimous the view that a shutdown doesn't defund Planned Parenthood, and it doesn't help us maintain our majority so we can have some influence who the next members of the Supreme Court are and can elect a Republican president," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), the majority whip, according to CNN.

Likewise, the Senate GOP's Number 3, Sen. John Thune (R-SD) also admitted the political costs of a shutdown when explaining to the plan to focus on the 20 week abortion ban, instead.

 “I think there’s a good, strong co­ali­tion be­hind [the 20 week abortion bill] who want to see that bill de­bated, voted on, and so I think it’s cer­tainly something that’s con­sist­ent with ad­van­cing the pro-life move­ment,” Thune told the National Journal. “I think a lot of the pro-life move­ment also re­cog­nizes that a scen­ario that might end up in a gov­ern­ment shut­down would not be good for the cause.”
The 20 week bill passed in the House earlier this year and has already been introduced by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in the Senate. ...

It's all about the politics, the politics, the politics, and not about the women or the nation as a whole.

As noted by Sen. Corny, an attempt to use a shutdown to force defunding of Planned Parenthood likely wouldn't work anyway. Sneed explains:
Any budget bill that defunded Planned Parenthood would likely be blocked by Democrats and vetoed by President Obama. GOP leadership has acknowledged that such a shutdown fight could have political consequences for the party, as Planned Parenthood's popularity among Americans has continued despite the allegations. [Bolds mine. - SB]

Damn Repubs anyway; they do not share the goals of America's citizens, and they seem unable to tie their shoes when it comes to effective politics. Why do we keep them around?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My Sunday Prayer: Goddamn Donald Trump Straight To Hell

NO, Don-Don, The Other Way!
... even though, like most UU's, I don't believe in a Hell. Send Trump there anyway, for telling Detroit autoworkers they make too much money.

Donald, you use up too much air...
OTOH, if you want to stick around and be the GOP prez candidate, go for it. THEN go to Hell, and take your goddamned party with you.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

‘Dickless’ Chris Christie Re: States Where Marijuana Is Legal

Sara Jerde at TPM:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) suggested in a town hall meeting Tuesday that residents of states where marijuana is legal roll their blunts and smoke up before the next presidential inauguration, according to Bloomberg News.

"If you’re getting high in Colorado today, enjoy it,” said Christie, a 2016 presidential candidate, during the town hall meeting in New Hampshire, according to Bloomberg. “As of January 2017, I will enforce the federal laws.


Right. And in reply, all those tokers you're addressing will say to you, "Brainless Fat Boy, beat your dick while you still have it: as of January 2017, you may find it missing..."

Monday, July 27, 2015

Shatner: Sen. Cruz's Remark About Kirk ‘Silly’

Awwww, gimme a f^<kin' break!

It's been said before, and knowing the Rethugs, it'll be said again. The only part of it that is true is that a lot of military men and women are GOPers. The related fact not stated by Cruz is that a lot of them are NOT Republicans. I've encountered plenty of each, including some excellent officers, and there is simply no basis for Cruz to go predicting someone's politics from their excellence as an officer.

Get over it, Cruz: your assertion... and you... are full of crap.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Priori Nullification: GOPers Prepare To Disobey Possible Forthcoming Supreme Court Order Requiring States To Recognize Gay Marriages

Tierney Sneed at TPM:
Ahead of a potentially historic Supreme Court ruling, leading Republicans are vowing to defy any decision that sanctions same-sex marriage and are challenging the very legitimacy of the high court.

With a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges expected before the end of June, conservatives are confronted with what was only a few years ago a nearly unthinkable possibility: a Supreme Court decision that decisively makes same-sex marriage a constitutional right.

Fearing a huge setback to their cause, opponents of same-sex marriage, including some of the major contenders for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, are darkly warning that they will not "honor" an adverse Supreme Court decision. Some are calling for civil disobedience. Others are moving to strip the Supreme Court of its authority to decide whether gay couples should be allowed to marry, while others have questioned whether the court has that jurisdiction in the first place. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has said that such a decision would be "fundamentally illegitimate."

I've often said Sen. Cruz is "illegitimate," though not quite so politely... [/sigh]

The party of "law and order" as recently as the Nixon presidency, today's GOP is ready, even eager, to defy laws and even constitutional rulings it doesn't like. But what did we expect?

I noticed that Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart (R) has announced that his office will NOT be ready with the necessary paperwork to issue gay marriage licenses, effectively saying that anyone who doesn't like that can just (ahem) suck on it. Willful defiance of a Supreme Court ruling: I wonder how Mr. Stanart would like the view from inside a prison cell?

On the plus side, Dallas County seems to take another attitude. This may be the only time you'll get me to admit that, in this one matter, Dallas is superior to Houston. Goddamn it.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Damn You, Sen. Graham...

... this is in the poorest possible taste, and that's the least unkind thing I can say about it:
Sen. Lindsey Graham Pretend-Shoots Sen. Bernie Sanders with Shotgun
By EricLewis0 [at Kos]

A partial transcript of an MSNBC segment in which Sen. Lindsey Graham teaches Kasie Hunt how to skeet shoot:
GRAHAM: "I'm gonna get you motivated to want to kill the clay pigeon..."

Photo: ericlewis0

GRAHAM: "Alright, do a Bernie Sanders."


GRAHAM: "Pull!"


GRAHAM: "Sorry about that, Bernie!"

Of course, from this point forward, I can't win: if I object to the deplorable "humor" of one US senator's false threat to "kill" another senator, I'll be damned as "having no sense of humor." If I don't say anything, then by default, I condone Graham's attempt at a quip... which I emphatically do not. I'm damned if I laugh, and I'm doubly damned if I don't laugh.

But this is not funny: rather, it reveals a fundamental paradox which gun nuts allow themselves regarding their deadly toys. We should not tolerate the "I was only kidding" defense from them... ever. Real guns, loaded and ready to fire, are serious business and should always be taken seriously, under all circumstances. Period!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Public Libraries

HPL Downtown - the mouse greets you!
Hey, lefties... are public libraries essential, optional, or a waste of money? Apparently Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) is proudly on the cusp between optional and a waste. Here's Democrats Ramshield at Kos:
As an American librarian I am glad to be living in the European Union where library funding isn't under attack to the extent that it is back home in the United States, because readership, literacy and an open based knowledge system that is publicly funded is still valued. In America, library budgets have become low hanging fruit for conservative local and state politicians.Louisiana is the worse case in point where Gov. Bobby Jindal has eliminated state library funding all together. Not only does it beg the question will your state be next but it asks the question what will you do when they come for your library and your kid's summer reading program? Do you really know how many books it's really going to take to make that special child or grandchild in your life a lifelong reader. Do you think you have anywhere near those numbers of books in your private collection?

HPL Downtown - Jesse H. Jones Bldg.
Entry area, view from 2nd floor
Please let's remember the voluminous studies that have been done year after year, decade after decade that show us that prison inmates for the most part are functionally illiterate and that teen pregnancy is directly linked to literacy rates.

Christian Science Monitor: November 18, 2013
Louisiana residents choose libraries over jail to receive funds Residents of Lafourche Parish in Louisiana recently voted down a proposal that would have used money currently going to local libraries to build a new prison.
HPL Downtown - Jesse H. Jones Bldg?
Reading Room
The LA Times has more in this article:
HPL Downtown - Julia Ideson Bldg.
(The library of my childhood)
Citing budget concerns, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed a $25-billion budget that eliminates almost $900,000 in state funding for its libraries. In a statement, the governor’s chief budget aide, Paul Rainwater, said, “In tight budget times, we prioritized funding for healthcare and education. Operations such as local libraries can be supported with local, not state dollars.”

On Thursday, Library Journal took a look at that assertion. What they found was that while some local parishes may be able to cover the funding gap, others will feel the loss. Rural parishes will face a particularly daunting challenge.

I am anything but neutral on this matter: a free and democratic society stands or falls on the depth and breadth of its information resources available directly to citizens. Cutting public library funding by almost $1m virtually assures Jindal and his sorry state (sorry, State of Louisiana, but that's how I see it) will slip irretrievably behind in today's knowledge-driven world. It just won't work to leave out rural people, or poor people, or... anybody. Everyone must have access to the means of lifelong self-education.

HPL Downtown - Julia Ideson Bldg.
(View from above old catalog room?)
I know some educated, one might even say brilliant people who have lived most of their lives in Louisiana. I can make a good guess at which side of this issue they're on, and it isn't "cut my taxes by whacking libraries." In rural Texas, I have had the great pleasure of seeing my direct ancestors, farmers all, benefit from their personal commitment to college education for a large portion of the family; you should have seen my grandfather tackle the latest research from the agricultural extension at Texas A. & M., and apply it to the next year's crops. You can bet every blessed one of that family spent their share of time in public libraries and the libraries of agricultural colleges: it's what bright, successful people do, and they were both.

I know it's not my place to tell Gov. Jindal what to do, but it is within my reach to tell him he's being a damned fool, and urge the residents of the great state of La. to boot him out and replace him. And... he wants to be prez? Awwww, gimme a break...

As you can tell, I'm very proud of the Houston Public Library system. In addition to the Jesse H. Jones (downtown) library, there are (I think; I was counting by hand) 43 neighborhood locations, including some specialized libraries (Genealogy, anyone? African American Studies? We got it!) The hold system (effectively ILL) works reliably, reminding one by email when the book has reached the neighborhood library. Maintenance is excellent and the buildings are occasionally renovated. IOW, I live in a city committed, rain or shine, to a top quality library system for its citizens. Yes, I'm sure it costs tax money, and yes, HPL had to back off along with everything else during the Great Recession... but the commitment remained, and was fulfilled even in the worst years. The management and the professional staff clearly understand what is at stake. If only every American (*cough* Gov. Jindal, and for that matter, Gov. Abbott *cough*) understood...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Just How Bad A Presidential Candidate Is Jeb Bush?

Ask Joseph Wilson. And then stand back; it's a long list and a blistering one...

(leans right)
(BTW, I believe TPM's headline got the answers mixed up, but I'm not sure.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

‘Politically Driven Science’ And The GOP-Driven US House Of Representatives

Emily DeMarco at Science Magazine poses the question: Under what circumstances would the US House of Representatives hold a committee subpanel meeting on alleged malfeasance in a scientific matter, but neglect to call even one single scientist to appear before the subpanel... not even any of the scientists accused of misconduct?

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
"Darn laxative failed again..."
Representative Louie Gohmert (R–TX) is worried that scientists employed by the U.S. government have been running roughshod over the rights of Americans in pursuit of their personal political goals. So this week Gohmert, the chair of the oversight and investigations subpanel of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Natural Resources Committee, held a hearing to explore “the consequences of politically driven science.” Notably absent, however, were any scientists, including those alleged to have gone astray.

Right... we should have known that omission would have been the (ir)responsibility of Rep. Louie "Goober" Gohmert (R-TX). What a guy. He'd be entertaining if he weren't so dangerous as he climbs the political ladder. And I think this committee needs a formal slogan, perhaps this one: "It must have been an oversight..."

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Miscellany: Police Behavior, Riots, Race, Nutjob GOPers And Their Guns

This post may not be particularly coherent, but I need to clean the accumulation of tabs in the browser...
Maybe next time I'll have something original to write. (Maybe not...)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Another 5-4 Supreme Court Ruling Hammers Medicaid For 68 Million Americans

Elizabeth G. Taylor and Jane Perkins of the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) (see also Taylor's blog), writing at TPM:
When it comes to health care at the Supreme Court this year, all eyes are focused on the Obamacare tax credits case, King v. Burwell. But a case decided this week, Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Center, Inc., has raised significant concerns for the availability of quality health care for those who need it most.

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court turned against decades of legal precedent and ruled that Medicaid providers cannot use the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution to stop state provider payment policies that are inconsistent with the federal Medicaid Act’s requirement for adequate reimbursement rates. That may sound like a bunch of legalese, but the outcome has a real impact on the 68 million-plus people relying on Medicaid. If a state’s Medicaid payment rates are too low (and many providers complain these rates are below their cost of providing services), then provider participation in Medicaid—and the ability of enrollees to obtain care—is at risk.

[/face-palm] Yes, that's our Supreme Court, all right.

Dr. GOPer 'fixes' Medicaid
And unfortunately, that's our Medicaid system. Taylor and Perkins note that "Congress established Medicaid in 1965 as a cooperative program between states and the federal government"; the operative word there is "cooperative" ... in states run mostly by Republicans, the state implementation of Medicaid is as obstructionist as the state's governor and legislature can make it. I know: my late mother finally qualified for Medicaid to help with my late father's payments for her otherwise uninsured institutionalization for Alzheimer's disease... the week my mother died in 1990. Dad ended up nearly broke from paying for her treatment. Texas GOPers can be very proud [/irony] of what they accomplished in that case, goddamn them.

If there is one good reason above all others to hold your nose and vote for a Democratic president in 2016, it is to make sure the effing bastards of the Greedy Oppressive Party lack the power to appoint another Supreme Court Justice for at least another four years. A Democratic president will not assure an optimal replacement for a Justice who retires or dies... the GOPers can continue playing their obstructionist politics as surely as they obstruct Mr. Obama... but if the GOP has the presidency and both houses of Congress, it will be an utter disaster for healthcare in America. Don't let that happen!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Wisconsin Republican: Weekends For Me, None For Thee!

To be fair, I must say that not every state has a law requiring all businesses, or businesses over a certain size, etc., to give employees a weekend day off. But Wisconsin is currently such a state.

Wisconsin Republicans want to change that. Why? It's bound to be an unpopular change. I suppose it's "anything to stiff a union" ...

The Republican state senator sponsoring the bill is named Van Wanggaard. If he pushes this bill through, he damned well better guard it; someone whose weekend he trashed might well go after it with a stick, or worse...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

OK TP/GOP State House Candidate Advocates Stoning Gay People To Death

... here. And I don't mean with newly legalized marijuana. The craziness gets worse every day...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

GOP Lawmaker: Cancer Is A Fungus; All You Really Need Is Baking Soda To Get Rid Of It

So says Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R-Ignorance Nevada Dist. 4). Take your choice of sources: Kos, MSNBC, ThinkProgress, etc. etc. ad nauseam. If you still really need big blonde politicians, try Texas... the hair is probably bigger and blonder here, and the brain is indisputably larger.

Clarification: I have no objection to people's trading on their good looks (if indeed that is possible for Ms. Fiore). There are jobs for which a pleasant appearance is a primary or even a sufficient qualification. I'm afraid I don't agree that legislatin' is such a job. And the unlicensed practice of medicine is most certainly not.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lethal Booby Trap

Police: Michigan GOP Official Fatally Shot Herself While Adjusting Bra Holster. Contrary to what you might think from TPM's headline (or mine), she did not shoot herself in the breast; the accidental shot went into her eye. Also contrary to at least my intuition, the official was a Navy veteran, so she surely had had adequate training in firearms handling at some point in her life.

We have two choices. We could conclude that this is one of those senseless, avoidable tragedies that life hands out to the most unlikely and undeserving people. Or we could instead contemplate the fact that the woman obviously joined the GOP voluntarily, and wonder if doing so had a stupefying effect on an otherwise bright person...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

AZ GOPer Representative Confuses Boko Haram, Boca Raton

This article by Tracy Walsh at TPM was just tailor-made for the category label I'm using for it (see below this post):
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) confused the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram with a mid-sized Florida city during an appearance Tuesday on CNN, the Sun Sentinel newspaper in Florida reported Wednesday.

Gosar said that if the U.S. were to pay ransom to terrorists, then "every American citizen traveling abroad becomes a subject in regard for kidnapping and then the plight of how much money has been captivated in the Boca Raton group."

Not since IBM developed its first PC there in 1981 have the terrorists of Boca Raton so disrupted the world...

For Rep. Gosar's edification, I'm including pics:

Boca Raton
Boko Haram

Static Pages (About, Quotes, etc.)

No Police Like H•lmes
