Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wealth-Backed Cantor Loses To Tea Party Brat

Despite a 26-1 money advantage and solid Wall Street backing, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-CreepyVA) is apparently going home, defeated in the GOP primary by Tea Party candidate and economics professor David Brat. Apparently Cantor wasn't enough of a radical conservative to suit Virginia Republicans. Oh well... when it comes to the sausage-making that is Washington politics, the Professor will surely do his Brat‑wurst...


  1. That was one of your 'best' [or wurst, depending on how one views puns] and speaks to the general disarray in the Republican party. This was a major loss for Wall Street and will make the House an even bigger mess with the leadership being pushed aside.

    1. Bryan, I'm happy to have given you your daily smile!

      This is not the GOP of our youth. From the Nixon presidency forward, the GOPers have become crazier, more hostile and more radically ideologically obsessed every year. For all the flaws of the Democratic Party, they have not become similarly obsessed on the left; indeed, some Democrats including Obama have become determined to follow in Republican footsteps. And the Koch-funded Tea Party could well be America's downfall if its followers do not wake up to the insanity they are supporting.



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