Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dysfunctional Senate Blocks Repeal Of Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell

Read about it here. Or, if you're female, perhaps here, as lesbians have been affected more than gay men.

Face it: the rules of the Senate need to change. One party... the GOP... has decided that its political advantage lies with breaking the government, thwarting majority rule and filibustering every bill. And it's gone on long enough that Democrats will do it too when they regain minority power. (Ahem.)

Between 13,000 and 14,000 service members have been discharged under DADT. Horror stories of people discharged after being outed by third parties with a grudge... or worse yet, by commanding officers searching through the private papers of service members contrary to the "don't ask" part of the law. Thats 13 or 14 thousand lives ruined.

And all the bullshit about "unit cohesion" is belied by the fact that in almost all Western democracies, gay and lesbian soldiers are a non-issue.

But simply put, if we are going to restore anything even resembling democracy, Senate rules must change. Not even allowing Senate debate on the issue is downright criminal, as surely as searching a soldier's personal papers.


  1. Such an idiotic stance. Do these politicians still believe that a gay man soldier will be more concerned with looking faaaaabulous and seducing his comrades rather than doing their work well?

    Senators need to come kicking and screaming into the 1970s....

  2. It's really a shame. I just don't understand why the Democrats haven't gone ahead and changed the rules. Just imagine what we could have accomplished had they done the right thing.



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