Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Best News Of The Primary

GOP right-wing fundamentalist radical Don McLeroy, of textbook-spoiling infamy, has LOST the Republican primary to retain his seat on the Texas school board. His opponent is probably no prize, either, but no one could be more aggressively radical in writing textbook requirements. Buh-bye, Don; don't let the door hit your butt on the way out... oh, hell, do; you deserve that and worse.


  1. I guess you have to take your joy where it gets flung. Not a revolution but a damn fine start. Good for Texans...pop those zits one at a time.

    My verification word tonight is 'cardodo" and I am pretty sure it is an insult but I am just not sure which language.

  2. Sorry your way guys----Gov. Secede hairdo makes it on again.

  3. While the "retirement" of McLeroy is a good thing, you have to be concerned about what the voters who thought Guv Goodhair deserved another go have selected.

    Of course I don't have these problems, I already know I won't like anyone who represents my area.



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