Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Triumph Over Fear

Is Paul Krugman right? Does the healthcare reform bill represent not so much the Democratic Party's political defeat of the Republicans... many would assert that; many would deny it vehemently... but an American triumph over the worst of fearmongering to which we have been subjected? I welcome your opinions (within reason, of course): are we better off for this vote, for more than just a political victory? I am uncertain; the resulting bill has some terrifying flaws. But if it is indeed a first successful challenge to the politics of raw fear practiced by the GOP in recent years, it may be worth it. As a body politic, we really need to move past that abject, irrational fear; any such step may be a good step.

Nothing is ever simple...


  1. i maintain that the democrats used fearmongering to get progressives and liberals to go along with this travesty.

    also, i bashed krugman about it, as i see him as one of the few who had a big enough megaphone to have told the truth about this bill from the beginning.

  2. This so called Reform Bill is an outrage, a sell-out of working people, low income seniors, and will decimate the Democratic party, which I am proud to say I've left after forty years. Check out this opinion: http://piraterick1.blogspot.com/2010/03/defeat-in-victory-democrats-health-care.html



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