Sunday, October 26, 2014


... is at the hospital this morning having her cast modified. This is in no way serious, but it requires immediate attention. In addition to the cast's causing her a lot of pain, she had at least one episode of numbness. The @#$%^& thing goes from tip of toe to top of thigh; she can barely sit down, and walking is difficult.  To top it all off, my car wouldn't start this morning and we had to call a cab. Stella is being examined and treated now; fortunately, this first-class hospital has a PC specifically for visitor internet access. Hey, it's browse the web or watch NASCAR...

We will probably be home before evening. Probably...

UPDATE: the orthopedist replaced Stella's cast with one considerably shorter, an inch or two off each end, thigh and toe. As a result, not only can she walk much better (still with a walker), but she can actually drive. She was truly depressed at the thought of being off work for so long (about a week); now she can return to that grindstone...



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