Friday, April 30, 2010

Possible Clue To The Cause In A Halliburton Document

Scarecrow of FDL is a good interpreter of the document, a PowerPoint presentation from last November that has just come to light, for the nonspecialist reader. The presentation seems to indicate that Halliburton, which was responsible among other things for "'cementing' the drilling hole and the gaps between the hole and pipe" (as Scarecrow described it), was experienced at doing this in shallow water but was at the bleeding edge of the technology... had never attempted it before but was aware of some of the dangers... in deep water. I'll let Scarecrow tell you the rest.

If Halliburton was experimenting, and knew of the potential hazards upfront, and went forward despite possible consequences like... well, like what you've seen on your evening news lately, what degree of responsibility does Halliburton bear? Or is BP responsible for having given the go-ahead?

1 comment:

  1. BP is responsible for all of the damage to outsiders, but they have the option of suing their contractors.

    The real problem with what Halliburton did, is what happens when the pipe is finally capped? If it isn't firmly attached, the entire well head may blow out under pressure, and that makes the problem even worse.



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