Friday, March 4, 2011

Bradley Manning Stripped Again Last Night - UPDATED

And Rep. Dennis Kucinich cannot get a straight answer out of Quantico about whether he can visit Manning to check on his treatment. A brief but apparently necessary reminder: Manning has neither been tried for nor convicted of any crime.

So what's next for Manning? This?
Or this?
Or... no, I'm sorry, I'm not going to post the most utterly grotesque Abu Ghraib pictures on my blog. Go to Google images and search on Abu Ghraib if you have a stronger stomach than I do.

This is wrong. I seriously question whether this should be inflicted by our government on anyone,  American or foreign, convicted of a crime or (as in Manning's case) presumed innocent. But there are the photos, evidence right before our eyes, that our government has done these horrendous things.

The question is not merely "when will it end," but "with whom will it end"? At what point will a peaceful demonstrator in a state capital be subjected to torture to force a confession or information about someone else?

Bush 43 started these things, but Obama has not discontinued them, despite all promises. I shall not forget that in November 2012.

UPDATE Sat. 3/5:  Apparently Manning's forced nudity is a petty punishment by the brig Chief Warrant Officer Denise Barnes, who took offense at Manning's comment that if he had been in fact suicidal, he could have killed himself with nothing more than his underwear and flip-flops.

Obama has the authority to end this right away... not the charges against Manning, however improbable those seem to me, but the relentless torture of a man who has not been tried and convicted of anything. Obama can and should put an end to this immediately. Otherwise, he's no better than confessed (bragging) torturer George W. Bush.


  1. This is wrong. I seriously question whether this should be inflicted by our government on anyone, American or foreign, convicted of a crime or (as in Manning's case) presumed innocent. But there are the photos, evidence right before our eyes, that our government has done these horrendous things.


    Bush 43 started these things, but Obama has not discontinued them, despite all promises. I shall not forget that in November 2012.

    even more sickening. i'm with you 100% on nov 2012 non-forgetting, non-forgiving.

  2. We've got to stay with this one Steve!

  3. hipparchia... Never forget. Never forgive.

  4. mandt... while I am alive I shall resist the unspeakable evil of a government which commits such acts. And I know you will do the same. America was never meant to be the cruelest nation, and it is up to us to resist in times when our government forgets that.



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