Thursday, June 7, 2012

Race For Judgeship Reads Like A Jay Leno Wedding Announcement

Ryan J. Reilly of TPM:

Gary Kreep, the star of commercials questioning President Barack Obama’s birthplace and who has argued lawsuits challenging his eligibility for office, just might be California District 34’s new judge.

Kreep, who heads the California-based United States Justice Foundation, is currently beating Garland Peed, who has been a prosecutor in the San Diego County District for 27 years. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Kreep has 147,739 votes, or 50.01 percent, while Peed has 147,683 votes, or 49.99 percent. There are still about 135,000 absentee and provisional votes left to be counted in San Diego County.

That's right... it's the Kreep‑Peed race for California District 34 judge. And what I've seen of politics in the past few days has left me Kreep‑Peed out!


  1. Kreep-Peed to the max! AAAHHHHHHH!

  2. This is San Diego, so it won't make any difference - it will still be the 14th century for the justice system.

    I spent the 1980s in the county and if you wanted justice you had to figure out how to get your case into Federal court.

    I've never lived anywhere else that had a regular neo-Nazi show on their local cable access channel hosted by a 'local celebrity', Tom Metzger.

    It is a matter of whether you will Peed on or Kreep-ed out.

  3. Bryan - for many years I was a member of Southern Poverty Law Center. They pursued Metzger for killing an Ethiopian college student. IIRC, the civil suit for the student's killing resulted in a $12.5 million verdict against Metzger and his org. Decades later, Metzger is still paying. At least he seems to have stopped running for public office.

    I'm no longer a SPLC member, mainly as an economy move, but since Obama became president, the numbers of people and groups like Metzger and WAR have increased dramatically. Two steps forward; one step back...



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