Sunday, September 30, 2012

Are We (Bleep!)ed?

Please read FDL's masaccio's A Glimpse of the Oligarchy’s View of the Future for US Workers. Better read the comments as well. Please tell me what you think of the content.

Are we as fucked as masaccio believes we are? Will voting do any good? Are hard times about to befall us again? Are manufacturing jobs about to reappear in the US, but with salaries reduced to $13 — $18 an hour to compete with Chinese wages? If any or all of this is the case, what can we do about it?

And... will there be violence in the streets in America, violence which the oligarchs are said to fear above all else? If there is, will the oligarchs persuade their tame "elected" public officials to act to use the US Army to impose indefinite detention on citizens within the US, as implied in the National Defense Authorization Act? (See comment on above post by 1der, quoting Chris Hedges. Please follow all links regarding Hedges's suit against the Obama administration, resulting, for now, in a ruling that the NDAA is unconstitutional... Obama is of course appealing.)

If masaccio is right, let me add that we are not the first nation in history to suffer a vanishing middle class through the deliberate efforts of the very wealthy. Solutions have not always been tidy. Please feel free to offer your favorite comparisons.


  1. Oh, yes. Magnificent film, both the story line and the special effects. I always wonder, though... how did the scion of a wealthy family come to be so sympathetic to the plight of the working class? Some things are conveyed better in dialogue...



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